If you haven't already heard it, I highly recommend you listen to Bill Simmon's B.S. report where he interviews David Kahn. If you haven't listened to it yet, you can find it online (just click on the one titled "The B.S. Report: 6/24 Part 1" or you can listen to it on iTunes. Just go to iTunes and search Bill Simmons B.S. report and you can download the podcast for free.
It's an amazing interview that anyone Wolf fans should listen to you because Bill Simmons ask all the tough questions that Kahn usually never answers. Kahn is great in an interview and found a way to get out of most of the tough questions by giving really long answers and explaining the history of the team. Kahn explains the selections of Jonny Flynn, Ricky Rubio, Wes Johnson and Derrick Williams in full length. Thank Bill Simmons for asking all the right questions.
Favorite part of the interview is when Kahn goes into length about how not to panic about Ricky Rubio not playing well in Spain the last few years and that he is only twenty years old and that you have to be patient with these young kids. Only for Bill Simmons to turn it around and say "wait you just did that with Jonny Flynn" Haha, classic Kahn with his twisted, backwards logic.
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